Friday 7 June 2013

Drinking Enough Water

Just a reminder about the importance of drinking lots of water in this wonderful hot weather which hopefully will stay with us for a while.  It is  very easy to become dehydrated and if you wait to drink water when you feel thirsty you are probably already dehydrated.

A good general recommendation is to drink enough fluid so that you're not thirsty for long periods of time, and to steadily increase your intake during exercise or hot weather.

Some of the early warning signs that you're dehydrated include:

•feeling thirsty and light headed
•having dark coloured, strong-smelling urine
•passing urine less often than usual

A baby may be dehydrated if they have:

•a sunken soft spot (fontanelle) on their head
•few or no tears when they cry
•fewer wet nappies

The body is affected even when you lose a small amount of fluid. Read more about the symptoms of dehydration


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